Materials Science contribution to advanced manufacturing at IMCRC


Aluminium-alloy welding wire
Source: AML3D

Research in advanced materials and processes addresses key manufacturing challenges. Dr Matthew Young, Manufacturing Innovation Manager, takes a closer look at IMCRC’s materials science related projects and their contribution to advanced manufacturing.

 2022 marks the final year of IMCRC and my sixth year as Manufacturing Innovation Manager. When I joined IMCRC, only four projects had been approved for funding, with no projects started. This year, IMCRC will see the completion of a portfolio now made up of 71 individual collaborative projects representing a total investment of more than $230 million in cash and in-kind value catalysed from an original pool of $30 million in funding granted in CRC Round 17 by the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources. 

Although IMCRC is a manufacturing focused research organisation, advanced materials and processes have been key in the foundation of the organisation and a key strength within our partner universities from Australia that researchers have focused to develop and advance Australian manufacturing Industry.